Robert Bell – Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK – in the D&C on page A3

On Wednesday night, Kirk Ashton, the principal at Hilton’s Northwood Elementary School, was arraigned on accusations that he sexually abused nine students.

“I was shocked,” parent Scott Upham said. “I think everybody in the community is shocked. It’s always a shock when it’s your school district.”

Upham’s daughter attended Northwood Elementary from 2010-2014.

Ashton was placed on administrative leave from the school district on April 8. He had been the principal at the school since 2004.

Upham remembers his daughter’s former principal as professional and courteous with parents. He reflected on a dozen or so interactions with Aston, who attended and hosted several school events.

“They were all positive, and that’s why this is kind of shocking,” Upham said.