The Office of Curriculum and Instruction is releasing two resources to help educators and parents support children in the subjects of Science and Physical Education.

The flyers, A Parent’s Guide to the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards and A Parent’s Guide to the Physical Education Standards, address these questions about the new learning standards and connect parents with additional Science and Physical Education resources to support learning at home.

As a free and shareable resource, districts are encouraged to share the flyer in multiple settings or on a variety of platforms. Copies may be distributed through email, linked on a webpage, or printed and shared as part of a welcome packet or at a school function or event. As the resource facilitates dialogue between parents and educators, the flyer is recommended for any situation in which parents and educators interact, such as parent teacher conferences or open houses. Also, both flyers are available in 12 different languages.

These flyers can be referenced on the following webpages: