The move to Hampton Roads didn’t go that easily for the Bernabe family, and it got worse when their twin son and daughter started kindergarten, virtually, in September 2020. “Within 20 minutes of his first virtual session, there was a loud noise. That was because of another student’s speaker system not being quite calibrated right, and it was very high pitch, and he covered his ears and he hit the floor,” Tosha Bernabe recalled. “He just completely melted down, he freaked out screaming, yelling kicking. It was the first time that he ever got violent with me he began hitting me trying to rip my hair out.” Though it continued every day of virtual school sessions — one tantrum lasted three hours — it wasn’t until October, when her son started twice-a-week sessions with just six children in class, that others got a close look at what the Bernabes saw every day. |