Nearly 3,000 students don’t have a bus yet due to driver shortage

Justin Murphy – Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK – in the D&C on 9/8/21

After a chaotic weekend of planning, the Rochester City School District has managed a partial reversal of its proposal last week to begin students in grades 9-12 in remote learning.

School will start Thursday inperson for all students — but nearly 3,000 students, including those at five full schools, don’t have a bus yet. They can either make their own way to school or learn online.

The remote proposal was made because of a shortage of bus drivers, a problem that still exists. But RCSD worked over the long weekend with the Regional Transit Service, which has agreed to reassume transportation for several district high schools after losing the work in its most recent contract.

The school board voted Sunday evening to push the first day of school back to Thursday for all students, and to start in-person everywhere.