- The Office of ESSA-Funded Programs has released a memorandum reminding LEAs of the requirements related to the review and revision of LEA policies on the Education of Students in Temporary Housing.
- LEAs are required to periodically review and revise policies for students in temporary housing to ensure that there are no barriers to school attendance and participation (see 42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(1)(I) and Education Law § 3209(6)(b)).
- Students in temporary housing have important education rights that differ from those of their permanently housed peers, and those rights must be supported through LEA policies.
- Students in temporary housing are entitled to immediate enrollment in school, access to free meals and Title I services, transportation across district boundaries to maintain school stability and a prompt resolution of disputes in accordance with federal and state law.
- LEAs with questions regarding this memo may email CONAPPTA@nysed.gov, call NYS-TEACHS at 1-800-388-2014, or call Jane Fronheiser, McKinney-Vento State Coordinator, at 518-473-0295.