Educational Services for Recently Arrived Evacuees, Refugees, Immigrants and/or Unaccompanied Children (attachment)

  • The attached memo is intended to inform Local Education Agencies (LEAs) of the educational rights of students who are evacuees, who may be living in temporary housing.
  • With many evacuees being resettled in the United States in recent months, there may be some confusion about the services these students are eligible to receive under Title VI, subtitle B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (McKinney-Vento Act). The memo clarifies the services these students are eligible to receive under Title VI, subtitle B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (McKinney-Vento Act) and provides information on several resources that can further support LEAs in their implementation of educational services for the recently arrived evacuees, refugees, immigrants and/or unaccompanied children and youth.
  • For more information and support about McKinney-Vento, the rights of students in temporary housing, and strategies that schools can implement to meet such students’ needs, please contact Melanie Faby or Jane Fronheiser in the Office of ESSA-Funded Programs at (518) 473-0295 or