New Study: Did Online School Drive Down Cyberbullying?
When the pandemic first struck, many child well-being advocates worried that the massive shift to remote school would spur an uptick in a troubling behavior: online bullying. According to new research from Boston University, however, virtual learning may have had...
COVID-19 Pandemic Exposes Digital Divide for Black Families and Online Education
The pivot to online education for schoolchildren during the pandemic resulted in stress for Black families with inadequate internet service and unfamiliarity with technology, a new University of Missouri study found."What we found was parents felt disempowered to...
Questions and optimism abound as students return to school
Justin Murphy - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK - in the D&C on 9-7-21 on page A1 The late August sun was scorching, and the parents in line for milkshakes at Rochester’s Flower City School 54 back-to-school party did their best to shade...
RCSD likely to start high school remotely
Bus driver shortage cited as the reason Justin Murphy - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK - in the D&C on 9/5/21 on page A4 The Rochester City School District announced Friday a plan for students in grades 9-12 to start the year remotely because...
NY finally releases school rules for masks, testing
Gary Stern - Rockland/Westchester Journal News USA TODAY NETWORK - in the D&C on 9-4-21 on page A1 New York health regulators are recommending K-12 schools maintain at least three feet of distance between students as they return to the classroom amid concern over...
CDC: Teachers and Students Should Wear Masks
Teachers and students should wear masks inside classrooms, regardless of whether they are fully vaccinated or not, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday in a backtrack that comes just three weeks after the government's top public health...
NYC is Promising Expanded Special Education Services After School and on Saturdays
For thousands of students with disabilities in New York City, the pandemic upended crucial services, from physical and occupational therapies that were difficult to deliver remotely, to special education classes that were suddenly virtual and staffed by one teacher...
Allendale Columbia requiring employees to get shots
Justin Murphy - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK - in the D&C on 8/24/21 on page A2 Allendale Columbia in March 2020 was the first local school to move to remote education. Now, 18 months later, it is near the front of the pack with another...
American Academy of Pediatrics Recommends Masks in Schools for Everyone Over 2, Regardless of Vaccinations
The American Academy of Pediatrics released new Covid-19 guidance for schools on Monday that supports in-person learning and recommends universal masking in school of everyone over the age of 2, regardless of vaccination status -- a stricter position than that taken...
RCSD to have workers get vaccination or weekly COVID tests
Teachers, other employees face unpaid leave if they decline both Justin Murphy Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK The Rochester City School District will require employees to get vaccinated or submit to weekly COVID-19 testing, it announced Wednesday....