Suburban enrollment recovers from slump
It is a different story for the Rochester City School District
Justin Murphy – Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK – in the D&C on 10-19-21 on page A1
A year after seeing kindergarten enrollment plummet due to COVID-19, Rochester-area suburban schools have mostly regained their losses.
Kindergarten enrollment fell 10% in the fall of 2020 but then gained 10% in the fall of 2021. Across the Monroe County suburbs, there are just 56 fewer kindergarteners this year than there were in 2019.
It also appears that many of those missing kindergarteners in 2020 have made their way back to public school districts for first grade in 2021. This year’s first grade class has nearly 700 more students than last year’s kindergarten class, a jump of 10% across the county.