11 Ways to Improve Kids’ Communication Skills

TALK IT UP11 Ways to Improve Kids’ Communication Skills To manage a conversation, we have to pay attention, sort through incoming information, hold it all in mind, wait our turn to speak, and remain measured in our replies. Executive function deficits and ADHD...

OSEP Fast Facts: Educational Environments of School Aged Children with Disabilities

The OSEP Fast Facts on educational environments of school aged children with disabilities highlights the environments in which children with disabilities receive special education and related services. The OSEP Fast Facts addresses the education environment of the...

Text-to-Speech (and Speech-to-Text) Tools to Address Reading and Writing Challenges

Text-to-speech and speech-to-text tools can assist students with reading and writing challenges. Learn how these technologies work, and understand how available programs and tools can make all the difference in your child’s education. Click here to read...