by Dan DeMarle | Sep 10, 2020 | Abuse and Neglect, Brighton
‘I need people to understand how insidious this … abuse really is’ Steve Orr – Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK – in the D&C on 8/13/2020 on page A4 He was a teacher at Brighton High School, accomplished and popular. She was a...
by Dan DeMarle | Aug 26, 2020 | Brighton, Charter Schools, Churchville-Chili, Covid-19, Greece, Monroe County Districts, Private Schools, RCSD, School Districts, Victor
Victoria E. Freile – Rochester Democrat and Chronicle | USA TODAY NETWORK in the D&C on 8/6/2020 on page A6 Families, teachers and others are struggling with the upcoming school year and each is considering whether to return to the classroom if schools...
by Dan DeMarle | May 23, 2020 | Brighton, Charter Schools, Churchville-Chili, Greece, Monroe County Districts, Private Schools, RCSD, School Districts, Victor
Victoria E. Freile – Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK – in the D&C on 4/26/2020 on page A4 U.S. News & World Report released its 2020 rankings of best high schools this week, with seven local districts cracking the top 100 in New...
by Dan DeMarle | Apr 9, 2020 | Brighton, Charter Schools, Covid-19, Greece, Monroe County Districts, Private Schools, RCSD, School Districts, Victor
Ryan Miller and Justin Murphy – Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK in the D&C on 3/15/2020 on page A3 All Rochester-area public schools will be closed indefinitely due to the coronavirus, Monroe County Executive Adam Bello announced Saturday...
by Dan DeMarle | Feb 24, 2020 | Brighton
Justin Murphy Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK – in the D&C on 2/14/20 on page A7 “Jim Quinlisk, the Brighton High School English teacher who was the subject of an unusually open termination hearing last year, was found guilty of...