by Dan DeMarle | Jan 22, 2024 | Autism, Autism, Classroom, Teaching
Children on the autistic spectrum generally struggle to communicate with other children of a similar age. They might prefer to spend time alone, in their bedrooms, on their devices or pursuing specific, solitary hobbies. If your child struggles to relate to others and...
by Dan DeMarle | Jan 19, 2024 | Autism, Autism, Autism Research, Treatment
A newly available device could help doctors determine within minutes whether or not children as young as 16 months have autism with a high degree of accuracy, researchers say. Click this link to read the article. EarliTec Diagnostics Receives FDA 510(k) Clearance for...
by Dan DeMarle | Nov 26, 2023 | Autism, Employment, Transition
Hardly any adults with autism are receiving supports to help them find or keep a job, new research shows, and even among the few who do, the services are often far too short-term. Click this link to read the article
by Dan DeMarle | Nov 20, 2023 | Autism, Autism, Classroom, Teaching
Autistic son’s death after leaving home drives mother’s awareness cause Cybele Mayes-Osterman USA TODAY When 2-year-old Jermaine Jones slipped out of his home while his aunt was showering earlier this month, it was not the first time he had wandered away. • A month...
by Dan DeMarle | Nov 4, 2023 | Autism, Autism Research
UCLA Health researchers have published the largest-ever study of families with at least two children with autism, uncovering new risk genes and providing new insights into how genetics influence whether someone develops autism spectrum disorder. The new study,...
by Dan DeMarle | Oct 28, 2023 | Autism, Other Health Impairment, Sensory Processing Disorder
From early childhood, Laura James knew she was different, but it wasn’t until her mid-forties that she found out why. A successful journalist and mother to four children, she had spent her whole life feeling as if she were running a different operating system to...