At School
Children with and without disabilities are complex, they all learn somewhat differently. The challenge for a teacher is how to teach each individual child within the confines of a class of a number of other students. Children with disabilities may well require specific specialized instruction in order to receive a free and appropriate education.
Students with disabilities are not a single group, so teaching methods must often be individualized for each learner. Fortunately there is a wealth of information on specific techniques that can be very helpful for these students. They are eligible for additional supports, whether that is through District policy, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a Section 504 Plan, or through an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP).
It is important for parents and teachers to know what is available for their child/student so that they can ensure the student receives the support they need.
Contact Us
(585) 730-8888 (office)
(585) 730-8889 (fax)
1501 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610